Thursday, October 23, 2008

Presidential Election- midterm

Just like the rest of America and the rest of the world I cannot do anything to avoid hearing, speaking or debating the upcoming election. I have turned off the television, flipped through the pages of the newspaper, skipped the emails and even walked out of rooms but no matter what I still end up getting involved in some sort of debate.

The reason for this is, put simply, is peoples stupidity. Some off the things I have heard coming out of the mouths of people is ridiculous. I just wish these people would learn to have an opinion before they spoke and not just regurgitate some tripe that they heard on the radio or heard from their friend - who just happens to be a political expert due to that one political science class they took one semester, or the one whole debate they watched! (Which was for extra credit, not because they wanted to be there.)

To me it just seems like a big popularity contest. I know it is in a lot of ways, but for that one person to become the most popular and eventual winner, I would like to think that they were put on that pedestal for the right reason. Not just because they had a better ad campaign, were a better public speaker, were black or white, man or women, or whatever it may be. I would hope that they are in that position because it is the right decision. That the views and aspirations of the elected reflect what the people need and what the country needs in this time of crisis.

This is the most powerful country in the world and it is not an easy job to run it. It just seems moronic that the a decision so difficult to make is going to be decided by a lot of people who do not have a notion of what is actually going on.

The one thing that really gets me is that I am not even from this country nor able to vote but still have more of a clue of what is going on with the political 'leaders' that a lot of people I have overheard and got involved in conversations with. I check the news daily, flick through the papers, listen to the radio but I don't study the political form guides.

To be honest I don't even have a huge interest in politics, whether it is Irish politics or American. I always felt that i didn't know enough about it or the parties to make a fair decision, and was never interested enough to research it. I lost count of the number of times I heard, "its your future." And I thought to myself, you know what they are right! and for that reason I definitely did not vote. I figured it best to leave it in the hands of the voters who knew what they were doing.

REAL voters don't disagree with someone just for the sake of it, they disagree because they do their homework and come to the conclusion that one parties' views and policies best reflect what is best for the country. And yes you are going to have people with different views. But there is confidence in knowing that the majority vote went to a worthy candidate. And that that candidates views are decided by people how know what they are doing, not just a bunch of people who think it is cool to vote for a person, or voting because the color of the opponents skin.

To be continued!!


News and Thoughts said...

I was all for Obama at first, but after speaking to a friend's father point of view, and now that I have been actually paying attention to the news and the debates, I am for McCain. I think that it is easy to fall into the flow of things. It is easy to say what others say and do what others do. However, we should do our homework and vote not for who is cool but who is really a representative of what we value. I am kind of "scared" that people will see this as another opportunity to make someone a celebrity. It seems that the US is all about celebrities. Urrrgh! Anyways, in my opinion, we voted for Swarchenegger for his profile as a celebrity and now we are having to face the concequences. I hope we learn from our mistakes and don't do the same in this election; whether with candidates being white, black or a female (not that Hillary is still in the run).

S said...

Yeah, that's why I'm probably not voting in the presidential election. I havn't had the time to research, so I'm not going to pretend I can make a good decision out of ignorance.

Jesse said...

I hate talking politics, and I am not allowed to vote haha.

But I completely see what you are saying, well said man.

Justine said...

i definitely agree with a lot of your frustrations...
and think that too often the easier option is to simply not vote when we are uninformed.
Facts are: most of the information we have is slanted in some way.
The whole election is so messy, that it almost feels safer to just keep our hands out of it... but no matter what we will feel the effects of its change.
I appreciate what you said about the confidence in knowing that the choice will be the majority choice, especially in contrast with the governments of many other countries.