Friday, September 12, 2008

soccer in America

howdy all

I am a huge soccer fan (well i should really be calling it football but oh well!! you americans and your throwball stealing our fine name:)) but anyway. I have been playing and watching soccer as far back as i can remember. In Ireland, the rest of Europe and everywhere else in the world soccer is the biggest and most followed sport in the world. The passion for the game is unbelievable.

But for the life of me i just cannot figure out why it has not caught on over here in America. I now there has been a little increase over the past ten years, but it still does not get the respect and following that it most definitely deserves. 

And to be honest i'm not a huge fan of Beckham, yes, he's  a good player, and i use the word good accordingly, there is no way he is one of, or has ever, been one of the worlds greatest. He was always a good player surrounded by great players or a great team. yes he does have great ability on dead balls but when was the last time he was consistent with assists and goals from free kicks..not since his manchester united days. He is a good looking guy, with a good personality, and not to mention a pop star wife, combined all this has provided him with great marketing opportunities, and therefore becoming the highest paid athlete in the world. He definitely wouldn't be where he is for his soccer skills alone.

So give me your opinions on why you think soccer is struggling badly!


J. said...

Great blog Andy, I agree, Beckham sucks.

Justine said...

Why oh why...
My personal opinion is because there are so many options.
I must admit the original football is a personal favorite, mainly because it is so internationally popular. Maybe that is another reason, another one of America's "rebellious" streaks against the rest of the world's cultural marks...
or maybe not

Kelli said...

I don't know why it isn't as popular as it should be, but I do hear comments on how it is a "girls" sport and it's not a "contact" sport. I don't know, they must be watching the wrong sport. I've been involved with soccer since I was young and it's so thrilling being on the field, or even just watching. These people don't know what they are missing.

dandyoyle said...

Yeah Kelli i have heard that been said before it about it being a "girls" sport. But that usually come from people who don't have a clue. And about non contact, i've being playing as far back as i can remember, and it is usually on a weekly basis that i would be covered in bruises or have a busted lip. I've also broke my nose, my hand twice, my foot and i've lost count of the number of fractures.

for anyone that thinks it is a "girls" sport i would love to see them go 90 minutes at a top level.

Social Glitz said...

Honestly, I don't know why it hasn't caught on as much in the States as it has everywhere else. Perhaps, it's just because we excel at so many other sports, it's hard for soccer to really stand out.

Jacob said...

We were talking about this earlier today then I stumbled upon your blog so I'll add my two cents. It is American isolationism in practice. Go back through history and isolationist mindsets have affected all areas of life in this country so why not sports too. America developed its own sports completely oblivious to the outside world. American kids now have not grown up with soccer. It isn't about the inferiority or superiority of one over the other, it's just what you grow up playing and watching that you will inevitably continue to follow. As far as soccer's rep as a girly sport, it does not help that whenever I watch European soccer I see guys falling down and rolling around like their career is over only to get up and start running a minute late. Too much faking!

dandyoyle said...


thanks for your two cents. i definitely agree with the isolation issue. Football and baseball (I pick these two because basketball is growing worldwide) are american past times, they are unique to american culture and that will never change. The world today is so much of a melting pot that it is hard for anyone to keep their identity, whether it is as a culture or through sports. I think that it is great that americans have something of their own, and to have that sense of pride.

I am the same way with Ireland. We have our two national sports, Gaeilge football and hurling, and it is great having that identity and having something of our own.

For me growing up soccer was everything. Just like im sure baseball and football were for you. And these are the sports we are still passionate about today. One of the things that saddens me is the kids today who have taken a keen interest in soccer here in the U.S but are always going to be disappointed that the game they love well never be appreciated on these shores.

And regarding those foreign shits diving and rolling around you are dead right. They are a disgrace. But just like everything else the minority gives the majority a bad name. A lot is trying to be done to stamp out these cheats so hopefully that will improve.