Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A special person

Throughout my travels ( I've always wanted to say that) I have meet a lot of wonderful and interesting people. Some of these people have come and gone and others have remained. Those who have remained I have built really close relationships with and am currently building relationship with. I have made friends who are all cut from very different molds but each possess that little something that draws me to them. But no matter where I have been and the people I have met there is still no nobody that can compare to the bond I have with my mother. Or ma or Mrs. D as she is known to most:)

I have always been in awe of my mother and how she has kept her sanity and remained the pillar of strength for my family even after raising seven boys. There have been times she has been knocked back and thrown throw a loop but she has always prevailed with the right thing to say, that shoulder you need to lean on or that ear you need to talk to and on some occasions the hand you need across the backside.

I know it hasn't been easy for my mam with me being half way around the world. If anyone could put their feet in her shoes it would be me because I'm sure I miss her just as much as she misses me. But my mam has been great with advice and encouragement. She knows why I am here and the desire I have to better myself and she is fully supportive. We talk a lot on the phone and she always reminds me that home is only a plane ride away but that I'm not missing out on anything anyway and everybody is fine. She always jokes, 'sure why would you want to come back to this weather.' She always has the right think to say when I need it most.

I think most mothers can have confidence in telling their kids that they know them better than they know themselves, this is where the special connection comes in, they have watched you grow. Its not easy for mothers to see their kids grow up and leave the nest. Its hard to watch their kids fail or be hurt as it is equally rewarding to see them succeed. What separates mothers is the they will always be the there no matter what the outcome and love you all the same.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

what ethics means to me

For me being ethical is doing something or saying something while keeping your integrity. It is making decisions that you feel to be right and just. It is standing up for who you are without having negative connotations that might effect or hurt others. Ethics is doing the right thing. It is doing things by the book.

That saying 'doing things by the book' has always played on my mind. I never knew there was a 'book' on ethics, but it dawned on me the book could refer to the Bible. The Bible is what we have used to shape our lives, laws and code of ethics. Everyday we try our best to follow these rules and live up to these expectations but we are only human and therefore are faced with tough decisions, decisions that call our personal code of ethics into play.

Lying, cheating, stealing etc are all unethical but are still done everyday but I can bet you more times than not these people do not have an once of integrity or self worth. I can sleep comfortable at night knowing the decisions I make are done by the book to the best of my ability.

One practice that I find really unethical is when people use others for there own personal gain. We they take advantage of others in a harmful way. It was released this week that the Sean John clothing line, manufactured by Pdaddy or puff diddy or whatever he is calling himself is making top of the line gear in sweat shops exploiting people. it was reported in Vogue by a former worker that, "workers were forced to suffer horrific abuse every day. We were forced to work like slaves. We were enslaved... that they were constantly verbally and physically abused, forced to work unpaid overtime, limited to two bathroom visits per day, given mandatory pregnancy tests, fired if found to be pregnant and paid just 14 pence for each £30 Sean John sweat shirt they made."

How could somebody have integrity doing something like this?? Where do ethics come into play?